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Monday, 11 December 2017



                                                     CONNECTING TO GOD'S HELP                                         

                                               GOD HAS POWER TO HELP 2Chron 25: 8

                                       Psalms 10:1-18 (Emphasis on verses 14&17)

“You have seen it; yes, You note trouble and grief (vexation) to requite it with Your hand. The unfortunate commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless. 17. O Lord, You have heard the desire and the longing of the humble and oppressed; You will prepare and strengthen and direct their hearts, You will cause Your ear to hear" (AMP)

           Until we cry to God in prayer for His help, the wicked will think they have it.
           Get committed to God, run into Him and stay there, that’s the only way to be saved. When you stay with the Lord unconditionally, He directs your heart to greatness. When God begins to direct your heart and you follow the direction, your life becomes glorious and wonderful. You don’t need to struggle and kill yourself before it happen, only what you need to do is to let him direct your heart, and the way is to stay with Him. He will direct your heart. When you don’t stay with the Lord, you direct your heart yourself.

KNOW THIS. Everything about life needs God directing your heart. The woman or man you are to marry needs God directing your heart.

           Staying with the Lord for him to direct our hearts keeps you out of the dangers and troubles of the world and their system.

           If you want God to give you help in the dimension you have never known before, stay with Him and keep asking Him to direct your heart, As He begins to direct; be sensitive to catch every bit of His directions to your heart. Though it might not look it, that’s the truth.  Go and do it.

           If you don’t move, God won’t send the help you need. If you don’t move, it won’t work.

And the Lord said unto Moses, wherefore criest thou unto me­­­­­­­­­­­? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward (Exodus 14 :15 KJV)

           By the help of God, you shall not be terrified in Jesus name.

            PROPHECY>>>The Lord have set vessels of help for you as you stay with Him, He will direct your heart and theirs to meet, for Gods purpose for the divine connectivity to fulfilled in your life in Jesus precious name.

                           It shall be a great season for you in Jesus matchless name.               

                                                                                                                     Pastor Igweokolo A.E


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