God is not just offering this inheritance to
us. He is committed to our having it, enjoying and living in the reality of it. He is guarding it jealously, until we come forward into it. God is disgusted at every sluggishness of his children at possessing their possessions
"For a certain woman, whose
Young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet. The woman was a Greek, a syrophenician by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the demon out of her daughter. But Jesus said to her, Let the children first be filled; for it is not right to take the children's bread, and cast it unto the dogs.
And she answered, Yes Lord; yet the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs. And he said unto her, For this saying, go thy way; the demon is gone out of thy daughter."
(Mark 7:25--29).
The above story illustrates God's eagerness for believers to take their place, and possess their possessions. Read it carefully again.Though the woman came begging, falling at his feet, crying, "Son of David, have mercy on me, let me have a little portion of this grace you are carrying around for my daughter. Please, cast the demon, out of my daughter" (seeking for attention and help), Our LORD Jesus strangely, was stern and unbending. He had something in mind,
"Let the children first be filled..."
"Not that I will not help you; but you are not my priority. Until the children have taken and are filled; satisfied and want no more. If there is any left over...then you can have a bite..." It looks cruel, isn't it? But all this is just for you and me.
The master concludes "It is not right (not correct and proper) to take the children's bread and cast it to dogs."
Look at God, maintaining our lot; driving away dogs! Brother, sister, why would you live and die a beggar?. Why would you subject yourself to a beggarly spirit while the "children's bread" is on the table, set and waiting for you? The woman opted for crumbs which falls out of the children's table. The demon left immediately as a crumb of the children's bread was ministered to the girl. If crumbs will do this, what think you of the bread itself? A big question remain unanswered, and I can almost hear you shout it: "But why all my struggles? Why have I prayed and prayed; fasted and gone through several deliverance ministrations, lacks and sicknesses? Why am I so impoverished in my life and walk with the LORD?"
Where is the essence of this inheritance they have talked so much about? Is it actually real? Can I make it in this life without compromising?
Yes, beloved! Pray that God will open your eyes of understanding... as we look at the way into this glorious inheritance. ( to be continued)
I know you are blessed again this blessed morning. By next week it shall be double glory for you as we being to look at the way into this glorious inheritance.
Remain blessed and enjoy God's wonder help this month; in Jesus most precious name. Amen!
Pst. Igweokolo Prince
Monday, 4 June 2018
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