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Monday, 30 July 2018

The doors the LORD has opened for his people can never be shut day or night. knowing this everlasting truth, makes us a king in life; any time any day.

We don't need to beg doors to open, doors must open for us on it own accord, because our Lord and Saviour JESUS: the triumphant king has the key to the door of Salvation, divine direction, vision, clubs abroad, gold and silver,  goals scoring, favour, blessings, firm, wealth, strength, might, what have you? (Revelation 3:7) ( Isaiah 22:22.)

Again: you need to note: from the scriptures above, that the door He opened no man can shut and the one He shut no man can open.
I come to announce to you by the power of God's word: that the doors for your greatness have been opened, and no man can shut it; in the name of Jesus Christ. It shall remain open until God's great plans and purpose are fulfilled in your life and career; in Jesus mighty name.

But don't forget in a hurry; that only you can still shut the door by yourself.
"And you, through your own fault, will loosen your hand and discontinue from your heritage which I gave you...." ( Jeremiah 17:4) 🤷‍♂Caution! God's design is never for the door to be shut against you any more, but you have your own role to play if you must maintain this open doors  continually. The responsibility is not one sided. It's our God's responsibility to open the doors for us, ours is to make use of the door by doing His commands continually. So:

"Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today. So that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the LORD promised on oath to your forefathers" Verse 9. "A land where bread will not be scarce and you will not lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron and you dig copper out of the hills.
 Deut 8:1,9. For better insight, extend your study to verses 10 to 18 very important. Take heed to yourself and obey! It is your season! See you on top!! In Jesus most precious name. Amen.
Am your Pastor. Igweokolo Prince A.E. of (SDTSM)



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