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Saturday, 14 July 2018

There are seasons in life, and all seasons are never the same. A perfect understanding of the right season for our plenty, as God scheduled, makes all the deference. It distinguishes God's people and places the crown of the king on their heads; confirming God's dreams over them.
For example: in Genesis chapter 41 verse 14 to 43, God through Joseph interpreted the times and season to pharaoh, and that made the entire world to be preserved. Genesis 42 verse 1to 2.  see 1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 32--40. The children of Issachar had an understanding, and a perfect knowledge of what Israel ought to do at a particular season: and David was made king over Israel, that brought great joy, celebration and abundant blessings on all the land of Israel. The book of Ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 5b says: ".....and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. (NIV) see how amplified rendered the same scripture ".... And a wise man's mind will know both when and what to do"
I come to remind you again this morning, that this is your season of  God's visitation, your season  of abundant blessings, your season of celebration. But have you considered knowing what to do? " ...And a wise man's mind will know when and what to do"

For Joseph, he knew it was time for his enthronement and he knew what to do. "HE ENTHRONED HIS GOD"
For the sons of Issachar, they knew it was time for Israel to be free from slavery and hardship, they " ENTHRONED GOD"
 I know you will say; no pastor it was David that was enthroned: yes! But they wouldn't have enthroned David if he had not   "ENTHRONED GOD" in his heart.

They knew that the enthronement of David as their king, is equal to enthroning God. Will you "ENTHRONED GOD- (CHRIST JESUS") in your life? I declare to you today by the mouth of GOD of all things: you shall be enthroned, you shall see abundant blessings this season in Jesus most precious name.

 It is your season!
It is your time!!

you're blessed.
Am your pastor: Igweokolo Prince A.E. (SDTSM)


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