who can make a boast that he is complete in himself? No wonder the psalmist cried: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. (Psalm 121:1) Indeed, this is the cry of a man who have come to the full realization of his hopelessness if he should depend on his strength to overcome his enemies; that are always with him. In verse 2 of Psalm 121: he strongly declared to as many that cares to know his choice of help; as he said: ”My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.” what a great lesson we need to learn. Why didn't he say, his help will come from his throne as the king? Or from the people of Israel as warriors and warlords? Him knowing that all men are like the grass which is here this hour, and the next hour it's no more, never made man his choice of help but rather; he decided to look up to Him that made the heavens and earth. I don't care the troubles you're in right now, I beg you to Join us tomorrow as we look unto GOD just like David did. Do that with a fast as the LORD gives you grace. Whether you are in Enugu or not, make sure you fast and pray intensively using Isaiah 58:1--12. (Focus on verse 6&7) after the fast try and obey God's instructions in verse 7 of that scripture. I pray for you, this new month shall be the greatest of all the months for you. God Himself shall loose that bands of wickedness. He shall undo the heavy burdens. He will let the oppressed go free and no yoke of the enemy shall remain on you in Jesus most powerful name! Amen. You're blessed in Jesus most precious name. Your pastor. Igweokolo Prince (SDTSM)
JESUS IS LORD!: You're invited to CONNECTING TO GOD'S HELP, tomorrow 1st may, 2018. @E23 CtoC Plaza, Nkpokiti Rd, Enugu. The Lord bless you.
JESUS IS LORD!: If you're in Enugu join us to break the fast with a communion @ suite E23 CtoC Plaza, by Nkpokiti Rd Enugu. 5pm.
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