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Monday, 21 May 2018

God's Great Offer:

When a man responds to the call of the gospel:
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy Laden,  I will give you rest",
(Matt. 11:28) and opens up his heart for the Lord Jesus to come in, God cleanses and purges him from sin. God forgives such a man and admits him into His bosom in love.

Forgiveness of sins is such a great blessing:  it restores a man into the loving embrace of the saviour.  It brings him into close fellowship and sweet communion with the must High God Himself. Hear God declare with authority and finality, "Your sins and iniquities I will remember no more: when I see the blood,  I will pass over you." When we come under the blood of Jesus, every judgment of sin; every calamity that sin afflicts on a soul; every poverty that sin brings to a man; and every misery and sorrow that sin brings; will pass over us.
God in mercy shields us with His arm of love (because of Jesus) and says to all destroyers and devourers, "Touch him not; stop at that! That one is under my favour". What a privilege it is to have our sins forgiven! The guilt of sin is gone.
"It is sin which gives death it's sting, and it is the law that gives sin it's power."
(1 Cor. 15:56 Phillips)
Sin produces the sting, the venom, the poison, that bring all its victims into death, both spiritual and physical.  Yet, in Christ Jesus we are delivered from sin and its power.
"You shall call His name Jesus, for he shall save (deliver) his people from their sins". (Matt. 1:21)
Even if all we get in coming to Jesus is this deliverance from sin and its powerful effects on our lives and destiny, it is wonderful.  It is great. It brings peace, joy and liberty. It brings boldness (not mere "bold- face"). Sin weakens a man. It makes him run when no one pursues him. It envelopes him with darkness and gloom. Deliverance from sin makes a man bold as a lion. Righteousness exalts a man, a family and a nation, whereas sin brings reproach and disgrace. To be released from the clutch of sin is the greatest thing that can happen to a man in life. And this is what God will do to every man that comes to Him.
"I will give you rest," He says. Friend,  have you heard His call unto your life? Have you heard His knock on the door of your heart? Have you let the saviour in? Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power; are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Take this advantage! Why allow the devil rob you of eternal rest in the arms of the loving saviour?

(I pray for you this morning, that you will encounter Jesus for a permanent positive change in Jesus name) Remember if you are in Enugu, our fellowship (DEEP EXPERIENCE WITH JESUS) is every Saturdays: 5pm @ suite E23 CtoC Plaza, by Nkpokiti Rd, Enugu Nigeria.
God bless you. Pst. Igweokolo Prince. (SDTSM)


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