God, in order to make us His children
indeed, children who are capable of walking into that inheritance, living up to that expectation, does not just mock us by saying, "you are my son, you are my daughter", while within our hearts, it is the spirit of a slave that holds the sway. He effected the deal, by putting within us the " Spirit of adoption, the Spirit of His Son". This is because, being a child in a family in essence, is not by mere words of mouth. It is not by empty repetition of empty words. There is a spirit that binds and assures each one, "you are a child here."
So you see what God has done for us. He sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts and it is this Spirit Himself that bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Think about this! Your mind (weighed down by sin and weaknesses) continually says, "Be careful; don't overstep your boundary; you are asking too much! Even if God give you this little one, you should be grateful; after all, it is not your right. He has just pitied you... Be careful." But then the Spirit of God says: "No! You are not just a servant here. God Himself is your Father. He is yours. All of Him and all that He has is yours. You are an heir- a joint heir with Christ. You are a bona-fide citizen in this family. Stand up and join all other children as you claim your Father! " if the Spirit of God will not bear this witness within our spirit, we can not stand in this inheritance. We will only live on crumbs like dogs. So many Christians ( ignorant of the total package of our salvation) live all their lives in this world as mere servants...afraid to enter into God's very pavilion; afraid to lay claim to what He has and has freely given unto us.
Fear grips man each time he comes into God's glorious presence because of the scar sin has inflicted on his nature. No matter how the master or mistress of the house assures a house maid, something reminds her all the time, " this is not your house, you can't be as free as the children; don't copy them...you will soon be shown the way out." So she cannot freely eat what is provided. She prefers to eat at dark corners. She is not bold to use family wares and facilities. Every spanking from the father of the house is misunderstood as she thinks, "it is because I don't belong here." She cries and cries and withdraws, because she has the spirit of bondage - the spirit of fear. (To be continued)
Hope you are blessed today? I will like to ask you this sincere questions: as we all know, assumption is very dangerous: 1. HAVE YOU SINCERELY REPENTED OF YOUR SINS? (1 John 3:5--10, Proverbs 28:13) ARE YOU SAVED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST? (Luke 19:10, John 17:2--3, John 1:12) HAVE YOU RECEIVED THE SPIRIT OF GOD IN YOU? (Galatians 4:6--7, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:37--41) DO YOU HAVE THE WITNESS IN YOU THAT YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD? (Romans 8:16) Pls. Meditate on all the scriptures above. I pray for you this morning, that the plans and purpose of God in your life must stand. The wicked one shall not stop it in Jesus most Previous name. Amen!
Remain blessed. Till next week.
Am your Pastor: Igweokolo Prince A.E. (SDTSM)
Monday, 21 May 2018
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