POSSESSING GOD AS YOUR GREATEST IN INHERITANCE: (TWO) continuation of last week message:
God's package of salvation is far more than forgiveness of sins however is but the first installment of God's blessing to a repentant soul. Look at what God offers every one that comes to Him...
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on his name."(John 1:12).
God is not just willing to forgive and cleanse us; He desires to make us His children. He wants to be our father. The implication of this must dawn on your heart now, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name. Our inheritance (when we become His children) is not just some material things we can gather here and there. God Himself becomes our very heritage. All that God is and has, all His power, all His wisdom, all His creation are laid out for us to inherit.
"I will be a father unto you and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
(2Corinthians. 6:18 NIV). This is God's firm commitment. He is standing with all His authority and power to back up this promise and make it an effective reality to all who come to Him. John, the apostle not only declared this wonderful heritage, as the purpose of God in calling us to Himself in the gospel; he, at the end of his ministry, still emphasized and saw this glorious inheritance, as a challenge for us to live in holiness, keeping ourselves jealously in purity, lest we forfeit our place in God's family. "See what(an incredible) quality of love the father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should (be permitted to) be named and called and accounted the children of God! And so we are! The reason that the world does not know (recognise, acknowledge) us, is that it does not know (recognise, acknowledge) Him. Beloved, we are (even here and now) God's children"
(1John 3:1-3 Amp).
And so we are! We are God's children even here and now. The world may think us as ordinary men who must struggle and beg to survive ; men who are void of any heritage in this life, while the fling at our faces the perishable goods of this world. But this is not our lot. We are God's children. We have a Father- the almighty God Himself. He is king of kings and Lord of lords. The world does not know Him.
My prayer for you is that you shall never miss your place in God's family for whatever reason, in Jesus most precious name! Amen. (See part 3 next week)
If you are in Enugu, Remember to fellowship with us every Saturdays:(DEEP EXPERIENCE WITH JESUS) 5pm@ Suite E23 CtoC Plaza, by Nkpokiti Rd, Enugu Nigeria. You'er blessed. Pst. Igweokolo Prince.(SDTSM)
Monday, 21 May 2018
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